Had a Facebook question about shoulder dislocations today. The writer said that in spite of pulling to pushing in a 2-1 ratio they still had a rash of dislocations. I had said that trying to do more pulling was not as important as getting good at pulling.
Almost all our athletes can pull more than they push. We compare bench press RM to chinup RM and roughly predict maxes.
A male athlete who can bench 300 and weighed 200 would need to be able chin 45-55 lbs for 5 reps. ( thinking 255x5 equals a 300 bench)
All our elite females bench approximately bodyweight for a predicted 1 RM but, can all do loaded chinups.
All of my high schol boys are similar.
Here's Alex Carpenter with 45x5 and 4 year time lapse of my son Mark ( now 16)