Training the High School Athlete with Drew Massey- Episode 261

Jun 22, 2022

Highlights of Episode 261 "Hit The Gym with a Strength Coach" Segment


Drew Massey, Executive Director of Game Time Sports, Columbia, TN. and Hope's Dad

We spoke about:

  • Training the High School Athlete
  • Strength Standards
  • Mental Toughness
  • The importance of Jump, Throw, Sprint
  • Olympic Lifts
  • How is 9 year old daughter Hope has changed his thought process on training
  • So much more

The Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle
We spoke about:


Check Out Coach Boyle's Latest Product
Functional Strength Coach 7

The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University

Rachel Cosgrove is on with me to talk about “How to Figure Out What You Should Charge for Monthly Fees""

Check out the next Results Fitness University Mastermind


The Functional Movement Systems Segment

Jenn Gourlay discusses a case study with a "Couch to 5k" client


TrainHeroic "Data Driven Coaching Segment"

Adam Dawdy & Tim Robinson discuss "Spin in Research"

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