THE Time for Remote Training is Now

Jul 25, 2022

In these times of rapid changes and uncertainty it is easy to let things get out of hand. In these moments we need to pump the brakes, take a step back and evaluate what we can control.

Fortunately for us, one of those things we can control is our training. As gyms and schools around the country begin to close it is becoming more apparent that coaches and athletes need alternatives.

This article will help guide you as we begin to adapt to more remote training. Dust off your old dumbbells. Time to get to work.

Some of us have tinkered with remote training, but now is the time we have to go full force into it. Direct example: our college athletes have had a lot of uncertainty thrust on them recently. Some were removed from their dorms, not able to know when they can come back or if they can come back.

Is the rest of the semester completely online?

What can they do to prepare?

Can they still train?

Our answer is always yes! We will take care of you and make sure you can still train and be prepared no matter what. This is why we started using Trainheroic. It has been the best investment for us and for our athletes to never miss training, build better relationships and community between coaches and our athletes both in person and remote.

Read the rest of the article on the TrainHeroic website