Molly Galbraith from Girls Gone Strong- What You Need to Know to Coach Women- Episode 185

Jun 22, 2022

Perform Better

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Results Fitness U.

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Highlights of Episode 185




"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" -Molly Galbraith, co-founder of Girls Gone Strong, is on talk about her journey with weight loss, powerlifting, bodybuilding and pain that led her to Girls Gone Strong (GGS),  the mission and the fight for GGS, their approach working with women with the Modern Woman's Guide to Strength Training, How motivation is different for men and women, a Strategy to help you work with women who just don't love their bodies, "the picture" (see below), the Women's Fitness Summit and so much more.
"Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about his article and forum thread "Former College Star Questions Strength Coach and Psych" and his blog post "This Might Be the Most Important Article Ever Written for Hockey Parents", and more.

"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the Current Sale, the Strong Man Log and a new Swiss Bar.

"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Rachel Cosgrove is on to talk about "The Challenges of Marketing".

"The Functional Movement Systems Segment" Mark Snow is on to start a 3 part series on "Using the FMS in Your Group Fitness Program".  Part 1 is on  "Improving the Group Experience" .


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