MBSC Operational Questions

Jun 22, 2022

I received a request to complete some interview style questions for a member and, agreed as long as I could publish my answers. The first set was interesting, so I thought I'd share them.

Question 1-  Do you have a goal setting process to MBSC? How is it and how do you share it with your great staff?

Answer- We do not have a formal goal setting process at MBSC, no. I have one simple goal, increase our gross revenue every year while maintaining good control of expenses. We have done that every year for the last 12 years.

Question 2- How is your internal learning process? How do you organize the staff meetings?

Answer- Staff meetings are organized based on needs.I try to observe the floor and see where we need improvement. Guest speakers are sprinkled in as they become available. I try to make sure that speakers align with our thougths and values so as not to create confusion. Although some on this site have recommended bringing in speakers that disagree with our methods to encourage discussion, I have generally found this to cause more problems than it solves.

Question 3-  Do you document each clients "mindest"? By that I mean their personality, their hobbies and their personal data? Do you classify them by personality archetype for example or just trust in the art of each coach? 

Answer- We trust our coaches but we mentally ( in our minds) probably break the clients down into three buckets.

Bucket 1- Type A's. They want coaching and came to MBSC specifically because of our reputation for strong programs. They generally have good technique and want to be instructed and critiqued. They will often say things like "is this right?".

Bucket 2- " Check the Box" clients. These are people who just want to work out. They probably came on a friends recommendation and stayed because they enjoy the community. They tend not to be good athletes and also tend to have small technique issues. However, they dont really care. They just want to work out.

Bucket 3- Everyone Else. Much like the Bell Curve, these are people that are in the middle and probably make up the bulk of our clients. Some are closer to the Type A's, some are closer to the "Check the Box" clients.

Hope these questions give you a glimpse into our thought process and, more importantly, encourage more questions.