FMS Correctives Sheet

Jul 25, 2022

FMS Pattern

Mobility Corrections

Stability Corrections

Pattern Re-Training

Strength /Power / Performance Exercises


Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work Hip Flexor, Hamstring, Calves, etc: -

SMR Techniques

Active Isolated Stretching

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Supported Leg Lowering


Toe Touch Progression



Tall & ½ Kneeling Chop & Lift


1 Leg Glute Bridge w/ straight leg into band ( assisted & resisted)


ASLR Assisted w/Core Activation

Unsupported Leg Lowering


Deadlift Pattern w/stick on spine (Hip Hinge)


1 Leg SLDL w/stick on spine



Level 1:

Suit Case Deadlifts – Work asymmetrical side more


Band Deadlift


Level 2:

Deadlift Variations


KB Swings

Shoulder Mobility

Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work – Pecs, Lats, Traps,etc:

SMR Techniques

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Thoracic Mobility:

Rib Roll


Manual Techniques


Thoracic & Shoulder:

Shoulder sweeps (after thoracic has been cleared)

Manual Techniques



Shoulder Packing:


Partner Lift

Partner Lift – Jack knife

½ Kneeling Shoulder Pack

Reach Roll Lift

½ Get Up


Level 1:

Deadlift Variations

KB Swings

Push Ups

Renegade Row (Packed Shoulder on supporting side)


Level 2:

Overhead Movements:

Overhead Press Variations

Chin/Pull Up Variations

Full Get

Rotary Stability


Crocodile Breathing

T-Drill – Straight  and Bent Leg – Looking for Hip and Scapula Stability


Rolling Corrections:

Quadruped Rock Back into Ball w/towel Roll on Lumbar


Whichever one needs more work

Use Cues, Bands, Foot tapping


Star-Fish Drill


Hard Rolling Corrections:

Work asymmetrical side more

Use Cues, Bands, Foot Tapping, Light Ball to shorter distance between elbow and knee


Quadruped Corrections:

Work weakest link

Use Towel Roll on Lumbar


Side Plank Corrections:

**Fix Soft Core First**


Quadruped Rock Back into Ball w/ Shoulder Flexion & w/towel Roll on Lumbar


Side Plank Progressions

Get Up


1 Leg SLDL Pattern



Get Up


1 Arm 1 Leg SLDL

Trunk Stability Push Up

Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work - Quads, Hip Flexors:

SMR Techniques

Active Isolated Stretching

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Tall & ½ Kneeling Chops/Lifts


Mountain Climbers


Walkouts & Walkout Variations




Incline Push Up


Eccentric Push Up



Push Up Variations

Hurdle Step

Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work - Quads, Hip Flexors:

SMR Techniques

Active Isolated Stretching

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


½ Kneeling Chop/Lift


Single Leg Stance w/Core Activation


1 Leg Glute Bridge w/ straight leg into band ( assisted & resisted)


1 Leg Push Ups w/straight leg


1 Leg SLDL Variations


w/RNT medial Cave

w/RNT posterior pull on stance leg

w/RNT for back leg extension

1 Leg SLDL Variations


Step Up Variations


Single Leg Stance overhead press variations – Kinetic Linking

In-Line Lunge

Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work - Quads, Hip Flexors:

SMR Techniques

Active Isolated Stretching

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Ankle Mobility:

SMR Techniques


Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


½ Kneeling Chop/Lift


Cook Bridge w/RNT


1 Leg Push w/ Bent Leg

Forward Lunge w/RNT Tubing


Split Squat w/RNT Tubing

Lunge Variations


Split Squat Variations


Push Press w/split stance – Kinetic Linking

Overhead Deep Squat


Crocodile Breathing


Soft Tissue Work Quads, Hip Flexors, Calves Hamstrings:

SMR Techniques

Active Isolated Stretching

Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Ankle Mobility:

SMR Techniques


Manual Therapy

Manual Techniques


Toe Touch Progression


Tall Kneeling Chop/Lift





Deadlift Pattern w/stick


Pulling in Squat – Supine Position


Squat w/RNT Cave – Lessen assistance with each rep


Goblet Squat

Deadlift Variations


Squat Variations












FMS Pattern

Additional Assessments


Mobility Assessment:

-Standing Bilateral Toe Touch (MSF)

-Unilateral Toe Touch

-Seated Toe Touch


Stability Assessment

-2 Leg bridge for height,

-1 leg bridge w/straight leg

- Cook hip lift

-1 Leg Plank Push Up

-1 Leg Push Up


Shoulder Mobility

Clear the neck:

-Cervical Flexion, extension, rotation w/ flexion


-Grip Test

-Breathing – Apical or Diaphragmatic

-Thoracic Spine Rotation – 45 degrees, any asymmetries?

-Prone Push Up – Pain?

-Push Up – winging scapula


Rotary Stability

-T-Drill – Legs Straight – Hip Mobility, Lumbar stability

-T-Drill – Legs Bent 90 degrees or above – T-spine mobility, scapula stability

-Quadrant Rolling

-Hard Roll

-Quadruped - Birddog

-Side Plank






Mobility Assessments:

-Toe Touch (MSF) – Bilateral, Unilateral, Seated

-Standing Extension (MSE) – Bilateral, Unilateral

-Prone Push Up

-Ankle Mobility – Closed Chain DF:

*Pain in front of ankle = impingement

*Stretch on felt in calf/Achilles = Soft Tissue

-Thomas Test



Stability Assessments:

- Single Leg Stance 5-8secs

- Dynamic Leg Swings 5-8secs

-Look for loss of Height

- Push Up:

*Straight Leg

*Bent Leg

- Cook Hip Lift


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