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"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" - Dr. Andreo Spina of Functional Anatomy Seminars, which includes Functional Range Conditioning or FRC. I spoke to Dr. Spina about FRC, his definition of mobility, how does FRC differ from some of the other movement based programs and much more.
"The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about his trip to Ireland for the Ireland Sport Coaches Assoc workshop, the upcoming Functional Strength Coach 5, and a forum thread called Slow Cardio.

"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about about The Providence Summit.
"The Business of Fitness" with Results Fitness University - Elias Scarr is on to talk about an important Customer Service experience he had
"The Art of Coaching with EXOS, (formerly Athletes' Performance and Core Performance)"- Nicole Rodriquez is on to talk about “Base Running”.
"Functional Movement Systems Segment"- Gray Cook classic with Gray’s Movement Principle number 9.
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