Perform Better
"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" - Alan Stein, owner of Stronger Team, the S&C Coach from Dematha Catholic High School Basketball and the host of the Hardwood Hustle, is on to talk all things basketball, including assessments, periodization, ACL prevention, his strength & power program and more.
"The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about some forum threads- "Are Golfers Getting Too Bulky?", "Learning to Hold Your Breath for 5 Minutes" and "Sue Falsone's Foam Roll Comments."
"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the Huge Summer Sale, a monthly giveaway and the NEW Perform Better Functional Training Institute.
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Craig Rasmussen is on to talk about parts 7 & 8 of his "14 Habits of Highly Successful Coaches".
"The Art of Coaching with EXOS (formerly Athletes' Performance)"- Darcy Norman is back from Brazil to talk about Part 2 of the German National Team World Cup Prep. is one of our new sponsors. Get a FREE audiobook here.
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