Options #1 and #2 have a similar structure where the athlete/client moves through some mobility/flexibility work first before progressing to a short super-set of more dynamic activity to finish the routine.
OPTION #3 is set up in a circuit fashion so that the athlete rotates through all six exercises twice to complete the routine.
OPTION #4 progresses from some stationary activation work to more traditional dynamic warm-up exercises. This is one that they would require some more space for, perhaps if they were doing a session outdoors.
Options #5 and #6 are mini-band routines that are mostly focussed on the lower body. I had originally put these together as a pre-practice/game routine for some of my hockey players, but you may find some use for them in a different setting.
Supine Deadbugs (8 reps/side) Side Plank Clam Shells (8 reps/side) Glute Bridge (10 reps) Seated Abductions (10 reps) Banded Squat (10 reps) Lateral Walk (10 steps/way) |
OPTION 5 Video Link |
Birdogs (8 reps/side) Fire Hydrants (8 reps/side) Single Leg Glute Bridge (8 reps/side) Standing Skating Strides (8 reps/side) Single Leg Hip Hinge Abductions (8 reps/side) Monster Walk (10 steps/way) |
OPTION 6 Video Link |
On a side note, you will notice that in the videos where I am demonstrating any type of shoulder or thoracic spine mobility drill, it is painfully obvious I need to do more of them!
Stay safe fitness friends.
Joel Jackson