While finalizing my off-season program this summer, I wanted to take another look at the 1 Arm DB Snatch from a risk to benefit standpoint. Many of our advanced hockey players have limited range of motion overhead due to previous injuries and the nature of the sport.
Just like the overhead press, performing any variation of the snatch with limited overhead mobility will lead to compensation in the lower back, which is already an area of concern with our hockey population. Traditionally, we've substituted a swing variation, or loaded jump for those players that were unable to perform the Snatch with proper form.
After some awesome feedback from several top notch Strength Coaches on the StrengthCoach.com forum, I decided to keep the 1 Arm DB Snatch in the program, but go in a different direction for our players with limited overhead mobility and/or lower back history.
This year I substituted the Landmine Split Jerk for a few different reasons and love this exercise!
- Ability to safely use a load that will target the middle of the F/V
curve, while incorporating 1 arm stability
- Does not require a true overhead catch, which will eliminate stress on
the lower back due to compensation
- Easy to teach and execute
- Sacrifice explosive bilateral hip extension and same level of overhead
stability required during the catch phase of a Snatch
- The bar travels a much shorter distance with the Landmine Split Jerk
than the DB/ BB in any Snatch Variation
Although the Landmine Split Jerk is a much different exercise than the 1 Arm DB Snatch, I believe it fills the same bucket and is a great substitution for anyone with limited overhead mobility. Our athletes have loved the exercise this summer and it's been very easy to plug in with larger groups/ teams.
Thanks for all of the feedback on forum! I'd love to hear more about what has worked for others!