“Should I go on the attack or do something that adds value?”
A quick scan through the social media accounts of some coaches, or even listening to various podcasts and in-person conversations lately would lead one to believe that this nonsensical question is a choice that some within the field actually struggle to make. By all accounts, it shouldn't really be a tough choice. Yet if that's the case, why do so many coaches act like grumpy old men these days? Factions, disputes and cliques abound; but we are the ones telling our athletes that THEY need to learn how to be better leaders?
Strength coaches, and those in related fields used to constructively debate about things that were meaningful, now people throw fits over terms, phrases or topics they don't like. All of a sudden nouns have become the equivalent of a modern day Casus Belli! You'd almost think that for as “busy” as everyone is, that there are many who are in actuality, simply just bored and/or insecure.
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