"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" - Mark Fitzgerald, Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Anaheim Ducks and owner of Elite Training Systems, is on to talk about making the transition from the AHL to the NHL, Building Trust with Players, the research he is doing on Data for his Masters, Evaluating Hockey Talent vs. Athleticism, Hockey Testing, Nutrition and more.
"Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about Reevaluating his warm up based off of higher heart rates shown in Complete Sports Conditioning, the video "It's not how much, it's how fast", the video Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat with a Band
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Rachel Cosgrove is on to talk about "Managing Money"
"The Functional Movement Systems Segment"- Dr. Kyle Kiesel is on to talk about using the FMS for injury prediction.