Perform Better
"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" - Brandon Marcello, former Director of Performance at Stanford University, current High Performance Strategist with Professional teams and Athletes:
- Recovery and Regeneration
- Cryotherapy, Contrast Showers
- Sleep and Paying Back the Sleep Debt
- Naps and the "Nappuccinno"
- Performance Based Dining
- Big Data
- and so much more
"Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about
- Forum Thread - "Super Sets, Does it affect Heavy Lifts?"
- Forum Thread - "Single Leg Squat- Hip Shift"
- Forum Thread- "In Season Speed Work"
"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the first Holiday Sale, the One Day in San Francisco and the Motor Control Screen Slide Box
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Alwyn Cosgrove is on to talk about "Implementing a Learning Day"
"The Functional Movement Systems Segment"- Eric Dagati is on to discuss "Using the FMS with Teams"
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