Perform Better
- What is the Egoscue Method
- Posture
- Assessing Posture
- Common things he see and how he fixes them
- The Patch
- Concussions
- and so much more
Check out the video series we talked about in the show- "Becoming Pain Free"
- Forum Thread - "Single Leg Hang Cleans"
- Dan McGinley's article- "Trust the System"
- Forum Thread- "Are We Meant to Pull Heavy"
"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the extension of the Summer Sale, and a new product called the Thera Gun.
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Rachel Cosgrove is on to talk about "Working as a Couple- Building Your Business with a Spouse"
"The Functional Movement Systems Segment"- Diane Vives is on to start a 2 part series called "Using the FMS as Your Secret Weapon for Modifying Your Circuit Training". Part 2 is on "Modifying a Circuit within a Training Session"
Special Coaching Segment- Allistair McCaw is on to continue a series on The Seven Keys To Becoming A Great Coach. Part 6 in on "The Fundamentals" .
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