Perform Better
"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" -Bryan Mann, Assistant Teaching Professor of Physical Therapy & Assistant Director of Strength & Conditioning at University of Missouri, is on to talk about an overview of Velocity Based Training (VBT), Auto-regulatory Progressive Resistance Exercise (APRE), advice for young Strength Coaches and so much more.
"Coaches Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about his book, "New Functional Training for Sports", his article "Other People's Athletes"; forum threads "StrongFirst Tennis Ball Squeeze" and "Set up for RFESS"; and the controversial video from a college football program and more.
"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr joins us to talk about the Current Sale, the Terra Core and the upcoming Summit.
"The Business of Fitness with Results Fitness University"- Alwyn Cosgrove is on to talk about "Lifestyle Design".
"The Functional Movement Systems Segment" Mark Snow is on to continue a 3 part series on "Using the FMS in Your Group Fitness Program". Part 3 is on "Follow Up Screens and Results"
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