Kelly Starrett (our first Crossfitter!); Boyle on Misunderstanding Aerobic Training; Winkelman on "Information", Cosgrove on Business Plans- Episode 107

Jun 22, 2022

Two Great Certifications
HKC Certification

RKC Certification

Highlights of Episode 107 (part 1)

"Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach" Kelly Starrett (San Francisco CrossFit and MobilityWOD) discusses his philosophy on movement, mobility, breathing, strength & conditioning, "Is Icing Bad?" and his new book "Becoming a Supple Leopard, The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance.".

 "The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle"- Coach Boyle talks about his article "Understanding (or Misunderstanding) Aerobic Training", Joe Ehrmann's book "InsideOut Coaching", and his thoughts on the RKC.

Functional Strength Coach 4

"Ask the Equipment Experts with Perform Better" - Erin McGirr  gives us a rundown on upcoming educational opportunities and the HUGE Summer Sale.

"The Business of Fitness" with Results Fitness University - Rachel Cosgrove  talks about "Your Business Plan"

"The Art of Coaching with Athletes' Performance"- Nick Winkelman discusses "Information"

"Ask Functional Movement Systems"- Gray Cook reviews the corrective exercise philosophy of Functional Movement Systems This is in Part 2 of this podcast- Episode 107.5


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