Episode 75 with Univ of Richmond Strength Coach Jay DeMayo

Jun 22, 2022

Brought to You by Perform Better

Highlights of Episode 75

 "Hit the Gym with a Strength Coach"


Jay DeMayo
Strength & Conditioning Coach, University of Richmond
Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar

I spoke to Jay about:

**His Philosophy and Programming
** What he is doing with his Basketball, Tennis and Swimming Teams
**The Cent VA Sports Performance Seminar
**Specialized Exercises
**Using the Omega Wave
**Much More


  "The Coach's Corner with Coach Boyle"


Interview with Coach Boyle about

**What's New at StrengthCoach.com
and BodyByBoyleOnline.com

** Core Stiffness
** Minimalist Training
** Adding More Mobility to Warm-ups
** A Single Leg Squat Variation
**Much More...  

Check out Coach Boyle's Latest Project:



The Results Fitness "Business of Fitness" Segment

Alwyn Cosgrove, author of
"55 Fitness Business Strategies for Success"

Alwyn talks about
"When To Cut Back on Expenses"


"Ask the Equipment Experts"
Chris Poirier talks about the all the Educational Workshops
coming up.

Check out the Perform Better Sale here"



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